Saturday, November 16, 2019

Inktober 2019, Day 29: Injured

The prompt was "Injured."


  • Pigma Micron 005 and 02 pens 
  • Faber-Castell M, S, and F black pens
  • HB hardness drawing pencil
  • White polymer erasers of various shapes and sizes
  • Cold-pressed watercolor paper cut to 3.75x5.5" 

Step 1:  Sketch with a pencil

Sketch the general shapes of the body and head,  and the lie of the snow.  Add the scarf, arms, buttons, and facial features.  Add texture and shadows.

Step 2:  Draw with pens

Using the 005, outline everything.  I may have used the 02 to make some of the darker outlines and color in the darker spots.  I used the 005 for the shading.

Step 3:  Carefully erase the pencil marks


I want to add a watercolor wash to add to the drama of the moment -- icy background and some bright colors for the tearful eye, scarf, and nose.

Inktober 2019, Day 30 Catch

The prompt was "Catch."


  • Pigma Micron 005 and 02 pens 
  • Faber-Castell M, S, and F black pens
  • HB hardness drawing pencil
  • White polymer erasers of various shapes and sizes
  • Cold-pressed watercolor paper cut to 3.75x5.5" 

Step 1:  Sketch with a pencil

Sketch the general shapes.  Add specificity to the outlines.  Sketch the general patterns, and then add the specific details. 

Step 2:  Draw with pens

Using the 005, outline everything.  Then using the 02, outline the fine upper edge of the wings, the antennae, and the body details.  Using thicker pens, fill in the solid black regions.  Butterflies are never perfectly symmetrical so don't worry about that.

Step 3:  Add the 'catch'

I was originally going to use a butterfly net, but didn't have enough room on the paper, so I sketched a Polaroid picture frame with pencil, and then added the outline and the shading with the 005.

Step 4:  Carefully erase the pencil marks


This was challenging but delightful as it was my first attempt at a butterfly.  Some of the pens don't work well on this paper texture so some of the details are a bit thicker than I'd have liked.  I want to add a splashy bright watercolor wash to mimic the bright details of the live butterfly and possibly the flowery background.

Inktober 2019, Day 11: Snow

The prompt was "Snow."


  • Pigma Micron 005 and 02 pens 
  • Faber-Castell M, S, and F black pens
  • HB hardness drawing pencil
  • White polymer erasers of various shapes and sizes
  • Cold-pressed watercolor paper cut to 3.75x5.5" 

Step 1:  Sketch with a pencil

Sketch the general shapes, add detail, and then texture.

Step 2:  Draw with pens

Using the 005, outline everything.  I could have stayed with that, but I chose to use the S to thicken the shadow cast by the snow.

Step 3:  Carefully erase the pencil marks


This was interesting.  I'm not sure I like the resultant feather texture, but this may be my first attempt at it, and that may be hidden by the addition of shadows and color.  I especially like the snow shadows and the snow and branch textures for some reason.  Some of the pens don't work well on this paper texture.  I am going to add more shadows to the bird, but I may do that with the watercolor wash I want to add because cardinals are so bright in contrast to the snow and winter background.